Out of the 32 birds I’ve drawn, I’ve only drawn about 6 males. First there was Andre, then Artist Bird, then Clarence, then Umbrella bird (not sure if this one is male or female though) , and last the 2 boys in the Carpool. To balance things out, it was time for another male. After all, they should have equal rights too, dontchathink?
Working on a denim shirt here as you can see.
I had to, just HAD to make his suspenders Red. Thought the stripes added a bit of character to the guy. Possibly his wife bought them, LOL!
Henry-the-Handyman…….Now this guy is a real catch! He can fix anything, ANYTHING! He will always give it his best shot. He’s got a real understanding of the whole mechanical picture and instinctively knows how things operate. He has been known to totally dis-assemble all kinds of equipment just to figure out why it’s making that funny noise. It’s a good thing he can reassemble it back, too. But as usual….there’s sometimes an extra screw or two unclaimed. Not the best at math….good thing he’s not a carpenter.
Oh…and I just have to add…..there are a few women that think this way too!! I, however, am not one of them!
That’s suppose to be a pick-up/ utility truck behind him, with a red ladder on it. Debated with myself about making a sky. Decided if I was going to put a sky in….it had to be photoshopped…..I have not been pleased at all with the effects of blue Faber Castell markers on the horizon. If anyone has any tips about using markers for the sky, I…am...all…ears.
Gotta love photoshop!!