I don’t know what it is that I like so much about drawing these birds but they sure are fun! I was a little unsure how I’d portray this Thanksgiving Bird. I was given some ideas of the bird talking to the turkey and saying “Bill, is that you?”, but that’s in poor taste….Funny….but in poor taste. Then I was told that female Indians aren’t allowed to wear Chief Headdresses….but this is a Helen Reddy bird (you may be too young to remember the song “I am Woman”) and she pretty much wears what’s she wants, when she wants. After all, it’s her party!
I could draw and color Headdresses all day!! Really!
I brought the kiddo-birds in because I wanted to show some excitement at finally being able to eat the turkey. After many hours of smelling it’s sweet aroma!
Just another shot of the unfinished Bird and friends.
Helen the Thanksgiving Host…….She takes hosting the Family Thanksgiving meal to a whole new level…..Yes, she really does dress up for the occasion, and yes she even puts her kids in costume. No one complains and her family & friends have gotten used to her little quirks. She is the Number One BEST COOK you’d ever want to meet. She thoroughly enjoys everything about this day. She gets up early to dress the 3 turkeys she cooks (baked, fried and smoked), the Honey Baked Ham will be prepared a little later….but what really sets eating at Helen’s house apart is the 9 pies she makes the week of Thanksgiving! Yep, NINE!!
You can still download the Uncolored Drawing of this Bird from HERE……(might be a good way to keep all those Pilgrims and Indians occupied while awaiting the feast). I'm just saying.
Well guys!! I hope you all have a Safe and Happy Thanksgiving!!! My sympathies go out to all of you that plan to venture out on Black Friday too!
Helen is so spiritful ~~ and her creator is so imaginative and creative! Wishing you and your family a fun-filled, joyful thanksgiving week, Eden.
This is adorable.
I downloaded this intending to give it a try but when I sat down with it and realized the birds were going to eat turkey... I just couldn't do it. I am so glad you noticed it too. Umm maybe I should dress it up to look like a cow? You are inspiring. And yes, some of us remember Helen well!
I just finished mine...I debated having the turkey thinking "is it me or do I smell cannibalism here"
or the kids saying something like "uncle fred sure looks good this year"
In the end I didn't go gruesome.
this was really fun.
Wonderful drawing and colours! I'm vegetarian so I'm thinking it must be a tofu turkey ~ :)
helen sure knows
what she's doing!
i'd love to sit
at her table
for a while!!
I AM old enough to remember Helen Reddy! Your Helen is delightful. I love your doodles and bright colors. Happy Thanksgiving!
Love the Thanksgiving Turkey Host. She's a regular Martha Stewart in the making. Wonderful!
I ADORE this drawing! What kind of markers do you use? Such brilliant colors!
Look at those groovy bird legs...and those braids!! Your drawings remind me of Richard Scarry Busytown books....I could stare at those for eons.
Thanks guys for your nice comments!!
@S.E. I use regular ole markers, sharpies fine point, faber-castell, bic markits, any and all available to me :D :D
I love the Richard Scarry books, my son devoured them. Thanks so much for the comparison!!
I'm experimenting with colors.
This is really cute! I'm using faber-castell and they seem fine, and also some markers I used to color stamps.
Keep it up!!
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