I just finished Set 4 of my Doodle Directory. I’ve got them all printed out and ready to go! I made up a couple little IDEA prints to go out with anyone that orders a set. Hopefully this will be just what is needed to kick start your doodling! Because we all know what it feels like to sit there….finally have some time to play….and stare at an empty page. Yep, been there before!
These are so addictive to make and use…. really! I can’t help myself but to color them in. I’m growing quite used to these 4x6 index prints. They are great for you “Grab-n-Go” types. I’ve spent many an hour (or 2,3,4) at a sporting event or in a car pool line, and sometimes my brain is done reading! You see….I’m not the best person at dealing with boredom! I can’t stand it and it can’t stand me!! Feelings are mutual! The best thing about these prints are, I don’t have to be plugged in, powered up, or pilfering thru a design book to find inspiration! They fit right inside the pocket of my 5x8 moleskine. So, I always have them with me. Bliss!
Oh, before I forget…..I’m running a sale….25% off the prints….So that breaks down to:
Pricing List:
- 1 Set- $8.99 (10 prints) SALE $6.74
- 2 Sets- $14.99 (20 prints) SALE $11.24
- 3 Sets- $18.99 (30 prints) SALE $14.24
- 4 Sets- $21.99 (40 prints) SALE $16.49
*price does not include shipping
Just remember to use code DOODLE25. Code will expire March 1.
My SHOP link is… Here
The SET 4 link is…Here
First, grab your favorite Graphite Pencils (for me they are F, HB, 8B, 6H), Erasers, Ruler and Brush…..Take some pics of your family…Yes…make them smile!
Then start drawing…..
I removed the color from the pictures and printed them out…(just fast draft). By removing the color it helps to see the slight variations in the grays.
It was pretty tough to get the shading on the back teeth here….but I did my best!
Pulled in another toothy smile to sketch here.
This kid never needed braces, which made me happy!
Little overview here….The teeth could be toned down a bit. These remind me of those little Dental Pamphlets you see at the Dentist’s office, when they want you to try some new product. Which will make your teeth THIS WHITE!! …..Oh-evie!
I have two more smiles to do. I like breaking down the face in this way….not so darn overwhelming!
This is fun, you should try it sometime. I think all my doodling and birdie drawings have helped me to learn to draw better. It’s gotten me to use my tools. Which has helped me to get familiar with my hand mechanics and the limits of the pencils/pens…..Obviously, still have a long way to go. Have to work on what I'm seeing, all those little dimensions!
Sometimes I forget how easy it is to just put on a smile….I am more drawn to the smiley types, aren’t you?
Smile and the world smiles with you!
If I may:
- Make a prediction
- Cast my ballot
- Cheer on my team
Whistle while I work
Since the Chicago Bears aren’t going to the Super Bowl, I had to pick another team and it wasn’t going to be Pittsburgh (sorry, Steeler fans).
To honor the Big Day, I thought I’d draw another bird.
There was a lot of white space in this drawing. I thought it would be fun to put a bunch of people in there to watch the game…..after all it is the Super Bowl, you know.
Doing some “mixed media” here, by adding watercolor pencils to the marker drawing.
Rodgers the no-longer Relief Quarterback…….his DREAM is coming true, he’s playing in the Super Bowl AND he’s the starting quarterback. He’s finally able to show what he’s made of, and it’s been developing over years and years of hard work and unbelievable determination! He’s not just here on looks, or raw talent….this guy is smart. It’ll be one heck of a memorable day, no matter what the outcome!
Should be interesting to see how this plays out….but I really must confess, I think I’ll be more entertained by the commercials! LOL!