I’m learning the plusses of each medium. Watercolor helps create lots of contour if I can let it puddle in certain ways. The way the pigment settles cannot be duplicated as easily with the colored pencils.
Worked a bit on the belt buckle. A welcome break from all the creases with all the those blues in the pants. I was getting overwhelmed.
Mulled it over…..Do I color pencil the hand or watercolor the hand…..I compromised and did both. Here’s the watercolor base.
I only got to the 2 left fingers with colored pencils. The big plus to colored pencils is the detail it helps me to mimic. Of course….I can get bogged down in the details. When that happens I force myself to work on a different portion….preferably in a different color.
That hand is amazing.
Love the jeans too. I'm not a painter so it intrigues me to see your work up close.... to see how you made the wrinkles by the use of color.
Thanks for sharing,
@Boo- thanks so much for your kind comments! I'm learning alot about painting too :D
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