Went to the International Quilt Festival this past weekend with a friend. Had a blast! All this textile talent under one roof gets me so inspired. The collage picture above was just a few of the pieces exhibited. They restricted our photography in some areas. Shoot!!
I’m from a family of quilters….well… some quilt and some just appreciate the art. It’s been a part of my life since before I got married. I’ve witnessed a huge growth of this textile art in the last couple of decades. When I was in my early twenties, living on my own in Houston I went to my first Quilt Show. None of my friends were into this sort of thing, so I went solo. Other than the children accompanied by parents I was probably the youngest one there. Hours later I walked out, with my head in the clouds. That week I signed up for my first quilting class. I made a grandmothers fan by hand. Funny too, it was my grandmother that quilted it for me. I really don’t like the quilting part. I like the the designing part (The top). I’ve made a handful of other quilts since then that I’m pretty proud of. Mostly proud because I FINISHED THEM.
Above are some quilts I’ve done in the last 10 years. I started out with scrap quilts. Made five, and gave three away plus one for my daughter that’s still in my stash. Then a series of applique quilts (made 6 gave 4 away). I tried some wall hanging landscape pieces (made 5 gave 4 away) done in layers. What really honed my rotary cutting skills are the last 4 quilts done in squares (kept only one). All of these are very simple…simple…simple. Someday I will expand on my quilting……when I have more time!
I made a few fabric names too! They were fun to make and didn’t consume too much time.
I think one thing that has helped me in my drawing since I have worked with quilting. Is color selection! Trust me, if there were color errors to be made….I probably made them. The errors tended to be on the “too loud” fabric side, next to another piece that was just as vibrant. What I have since learned is that Color…. bold colors have got to be balanced with neutrals.
This quilt show was a wonderful inspiration outing!! Or Artist’s Date! You just never know what will inspire you and it’s always good to see different forms of art….if ya ask me.
Where do you find additional inspiration for your art?
I love the collage from the quilt show! It is beautiful. All your quilts are beautiful. You are a lucky lady to have been granted such God given talent and to put it to use for our enjoyment!
Thanks JP!! You've got the wonderful GIFT of encouragement!!
Loved the photos of your quilts and was quite impressed by how many you have made. You are sooo smart to start with simple ones!
I am trying to figure out what quilt show you are referring to because the one in Houston isn't until November? That is the only one I have had the privilege to attend.
I admire your determination and hope I can start a similar journey when this stage in my life moves on.
Thanks for sharing!!!
@Carol- kids don't stay little forever, a blessing and a curse! Haha just kidding! I always stayed busy with my own interests, cuz I have so darn many of them! I'm a little scatterbrained at times because of it!! The quilt show was in Cincinnati...then it goes to California, last stop must be Houston.
Eden, I had not thought of it as a traveling show. Hmmmm
My kids have kids (in college even) but right now I am caring for my mother who has dementia. Yeah, they go back to being kids...
This too is a blessing and a curse. But since we live in different states quilting and art and jewelry making is on hold and I am crocheting and tatting for the time being.
I do enjoy watching your projects progress!
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