I was a little bummed that when I flew to Newport I didn’t bring my good DSLR camera. But when your camera bag is falling apart and 20 years old, it’s best to leave the whole kit and kaboodle at home, don’t you think?
Armed with a $100 gift card to Best Buy, rewarded to me for some purchases a couple months ago. I knew what I would spend it on…..IF I could find a camera bag that appealed to me. You see, I’m all about color and patterned material on my accessories!! I hesitated purchasing a colorful camera bag on line because I couldn’t feel it….test it out. See if it was made of durable material, you know…stuff like that.
Well, I was out of luck in the fun-color-patterned camera bag selection. The bags were mostly black, but durable. And I found one not too oversized and a back-pack type too.
Then I got an idea. I’ve seen alisa burke decorate her stuff all the time with fabric paint. So, off I went to Michaels to get some paints in different colors.
I grabbed a couple of stencils and my WHITE gel marker. (I couldn’t see black sharpie lines on this very well).
I really liked the look of the white only designs. And I almost kept it this way.
But the other colors felt a little left out.
So for now, this is all I’m going to do. I’ll have to see how these paints hold up. The straps are made out of a nylon material so unfortunately I’m not going to decorate them. Not sure how they’d take the paint! Darn it!
The inside of the bag even has a place for my ipad! How cool is that?
Lots of adjustable protection in here.
I used the Tulip Slick fabric paint line. Now, it’s a little less boring. Have you decorated anything with fabric paint before?
On my flight out to Newport I would overhear snippets of conversation, so I started a list of what I’d heard.
Well, the word got out that I was keeping a list and before I knew it, I had lots of help in the comment-list-keeping department. The quote above was spoken by someone very dear to me and it even had the shop owner cracking up!
What can I say, sometimes I gotta be reminded!
I adore Chicago, always have and always will…..the accents, the winter hats, the toll ways (don’t adore these, but they are very Chicago), the shopping! But mostly the family!
Very poor picture quality. Too lazy to re-take!
This one probably has a lot to do with growing up with 3 older brothers! What can I say?
Another quote from last weekend. I believe….it’ pretty universally true (I think).
Having some word-play-fun with Cheese!
If you refer to anything and everything as “the thing”….then you’re right there with me when I say, “Sometimes I can’t think of the nouns”. Or really….I don’t want to stop and think of the nouns! Just easier to say “thing”.
Prepping pages….this is a new one for me! Since I will be traveling and you know how boring airports can be….lots of waiting, lots of people, no space, uncomfortable chairs, travel luggage, delays, deadlines, drudgery! I’ll try to make the best of it!
Sometimes I find it hard to read a book at airports, too much going on. I get too distracted to follow any decent story. I like to “do” something besides just people watch, but I get a kick out of that too!
I drew a bunch of random circles and colored them in with watercolor pencils! I thought the watercolor pencils will work well with these art journal pages, since I can write over them. Unlike markers where the ink is too dense.
Prep Page 2.
No real direction here. And that thing in the middle looks like the loch-nest monster. Maybe I’ll give him some eyes.
Chose to work with more white space here.
Just a little pep talk here.
This page isn’t done….hopefully far from it. I think the best pages are those that have been enhanced, colored in, marked up and where you can glimpse a small train of thought. The pages where you can hardly recognize the finished product from the base layer.
With these pages all ready to journal on, all I’ll need is a few pens and markers. I won’t have to lug around my usual stash. What a relief!! Now, to get over the shyness of journaling in public. Can you?