May 24, 2012

Doggie Doodle


I’d like you to meet my dog.  She’s a border collie/lab mix mutt.  And we love her. I’ve always liked this picture of her, cuz she looks so darn serious.

I came across this picture on pinterest and thought I’d try something along those same lines.

  1. First I outlined her shape
  2. Then I blocked off her contours/shadows 
  3. Then I doodled in the the blocks.

I can tell I’m out of doodle practice.  I usually have a good feel for the colors I want to display together.  Well, not… this… time.  I kept having little debates with myself over which color should go where.  Too….much….thinking!  Haha

Eeek!!  I extracted her eyes from the original photo and placed them in the drawing.    Now it’s Freaky-Fun looking.  I left her tags blank.   Not quite sure what to do with those yet.

Two thumbs up on the Enjoyment Level if you need any doodling recommendations!


Lora King said...

That's the coolest thing ever! What a beautiful BC. Love it so much, you are so talented...thanks for sharing!!!!

Carol said...

This is so neat. Especially because your pup looks so much like mine!

Eden said...

@Lora....@Carol- Thanks so much for your comments!! Border Collie's are neat smart!

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By day...I work in the Healthcare field, where every .. i.. has to be dotted and every ..t.. has to be crossed. This blog is the place where I can let myself go and have some fun. I am on a journey. A journey I started a long time ago, but it has been a bit sidetracked with Navy Wife relocations and raising kids. I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel and I have got some time for me. No, I will not be one of those moms walking around the house with Empty Nest Syndrome, I have got way too much to do, to learn, to create. Sure, once the kids are gone I will miss them....but hey, there is always the phone, the email, the texting and the Plane tickets! I love my life and my family and It is fun moving into this new stage. I am into Digital Scrapbooking, photography, journaling, Art Journaling and Drawing. I am a do-it-yourselfer and I am trying to teach myself to draw. I am finding that it takes a lot of patience, lots of practice and a good eraser! And if you're really curious there's a 3 part Interview by Eileen: HERE All the best, Eden