I was on a sketch roll and continued on with the legs. It’s always a bit of a learning curve if I put my pencils up…then sit down again….I have to figure out how to match the color combinations….you know, so that the upper leg looks like it belongs with the lower leg on that same person.
I am not getting the swimsuit at all! It’s looking very jagged!
This poor diver has more ribs than she needs….will have to tone down that ribcage. I did go in with my markers on the blue/red portion of the suit and to separate the legs. Always makes the color-sketch look better when the markers are applied…IMHO (in my humble opinion).
I think YOUR sketch of the diver's swimsuit looks BETTER than the actual picture!!! IMHO :)
I admire your work very much!
Thanks for sharing!
Grandma Nancy Sapp
@Nancy- you're very kind :D
This is amazing! I am always in awe of how beautifully you capture skin tone and muscle density. You drawings look more lifelike than the photos!
@Molly- your comment has MADE MY DAY!! I'm really enjoying drawing the figure...it's kind of like sculpting with pencils :D
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