Here’s to all the good coaches out there. The volunteers, the part-time, full-time, Big-Time.
Stumbled upon this definition of “A Coach” at and thought it applied here.
A [good] coach assists and facilitates, and they can help you in assessing the situation and recognizing recurring patterns. In addition, they can help you analyze how you’ve been responding to the situation in an ineffective manner. They can help you decide what steps to take in order to move forward. However, they will never take power away from you. Instead, they empower you to make your own healthy choices.
Coach Crane…..He sort of fell into coaching and discovered that he was good. His influence with the athletes stems from the way he observes them. Some kids need coddling & coaxing, some need logic & explaining, and some just need to get mad to perform their best. The most valuable trait that his athletes will take with them into adulthood….is…their willingness to TRY.
I have a young teen friend who has a lot of energy, needs friends and needs some confidence. But she’s afraid to try. Kind of breaks my heart.
I don’t think we ever outgrow our need for “coaches”. After all, our parents, teachers, mentors all have played the role of coaches to some extent in our lives and they just want the best for us (or from us])…haha.