February 10, 2012

Teen Lingo…redefined

If you’ve been following this blog for awhile then you may remember my Teen Lingo post from November 2010. 

I loved that post!!  Since it was such a popular drawing and so many people can relate to the sentiment I was asked to make the teen a boy.

Boys are simple…. all I had to do was put him in a soccer or football jersey and give him a ball cap.

Oh yes….and make sure he displays that “bored” look that is so popular amongst this age group.

The fun part was placing him in the car with his mom.  Gotta love photoshop!  What does this program not do?

For those of you new here, let me give you a little background on this drawing.  I had to drive my daughter to a college visit last year.  Since she could hardly tolerate my presence at the time….and I was trying to make the best of it.  Every question or comment I made was answered by a ONE WORD response.  All and all her vocabulary consisted of 10 words that weekend.  It really was quite funny and I believe one day she’ll realize how funny she was.

Teen-Lingo Definitions:
  1. Touché- When I’ve figured out the right answer to why he does something.
  2. Whatever- When he really doesn’t want to do what I ask him to do. Or is stalling.
  3. What- If I look at him at any time.
  4. Stop- If I don’t avert my eyes after he’s said “What”.
  5. Fine- If I tell him not to do something he is wanting to do.
  6. Random- If I communicate with him about my day, or make a statement about life in general.
  7. Sure- If I ask him a Yes or No question
  8. Obviously- If I agree with what he is doing
  9. Congratulations- If I figure out something that I didn’t know before….usually pertaining to his school life, his social life or his sports life.
  10. MOM !!- If #3 and #4 hasn’t diverted my attention and now he really means it!
Please tell me…..can anybody relate?


Anonymous said...

when I drove my daughter over 20 years ago, the conversation was similar

Jp said...

I forgot to sign my comment above

amylynne said...

Oh my gosh!! I love your 10 words! Sounds like my son last year when he was a senior in high school! I still had to drive him every day........ Needless to say my conversation was the same!! Lol

jinxxxygirl said...

No, my daughter and i have had some of our best conversations and laughs in the car, singing at the top of our lungs to songs, she would never wear her headphones in the car instead we talked......its a great time while she's cornered. lol. I mean i do see this scenario on TV shows and i see other people driving in cars totally ignoring each other looking out the window but i consider myself fortunate to not be in that situation....

Eden said...

Thanks for commenting guys. We are through the worst of it and although she still sees me as mom- the-menace when she has more responsibility we will be better communicators :)

@deb- sounds like you and your daughter have a very special relationship! She's let you in at a younger age! Precious!

Kirstin said...

Uh huh. I could stop at that as my 15 year old son would, but in all fairness, sometimes, if he's in a good mood, I can get entire sentences out of him. Only when he's trapped in the car with me though.

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By day...I work in the Healthcare field, where every .. i.. has to be dotted and every ..t.. has to be crossed. This blog is the place where I can let myself go and have some fun. I am on a journey. A journey I started a long time ago, but it has been a bit sidetracked with Navy Wife relocations and raising kids. I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel and I have got some time for me. No, I will not be one of those moms walking around the house with Empty Nest Syndrome, I have got way too much to do, to learn, to create. Sure, once the kids are gone I will miss them....but hey, there is always the phone, the email, the texting and the Plane tickets! I love my life and my family and It is fun moving into this new stage. I am into Digital Scrapbooking, photography, journaling, Art Journaling and Drawing. I am a do-it-yourselfer and I am trying to teach myself to draw. I am finding that it takes a lot of patience, lots of practice and a good eraser! And if you're really curious there's a 3 part Interview by Eileen: HERE All the best, Eden