Being in mandela mode and not wanting to repeat the previous patterns. When I spotted this mandela doodle I thought I’d try something similar. Graphed out my patterns. Then I got to bring the colors in. So simple and so fun!
After doing 4 different Mandelas I needed to focus on something different. I like my mandelas, but for now, they all started to look the same to me. I enjoyed my Floral Fauna a lot…it was different and it was colorful. In sticking to the flower theme I thought I’d try a single flower…..but keep enlarging it. I came across this mandela on pinterest and I loved the color theme. So, I thought I’d try to stick with the blues/purples/greens (the cooler colors). But I can’t make those colors POP!! I had to bring in the rest of the wheel. Had to replace some sharpies….Sharpie gets product placement endorsements here!! Haha! I’m hoping I’ll gets some guts and grab a few of those unpopular colors. ….Applying the pigment…. I didn’t give too much thought to the background, just something graphic.
It’s a good thing that I have wireless earphones because I’ve been in mode #3 since yesterday afternoon, enjoying this songfrom Despicable Me and doing my thing drawing! I’m past the days of clearing off the dining room table each night before dinner and cooking. This type of upheaval lasts for weeks! You’d think that this type of sketching would be easier…..I like to draw people and it’s not like this is unfamiliar territory. But I’m finding the same problem I had with my Horse Racing sketch with the main body of the horse. Ya gotta keep that color consistent in a large area. And drop or add color so slightly to create the correct illusions. Added yellow watercolor over the blue. Then when it was dry continued on with green colored pencils to change the suit color to green. Still much more to do, but at least she’s looking more the way I want her.
I wanted to do another marker design similar to my mandelasbut with flowers. The ideal portable project using my 8x11 watercolor moleskine. I got the design down first, using rulers, stencils and freehand lines. Fine point sharpies, faber-castell markers and bic markers are my favorites and used throughout. I try to use all the colors. Flowers get to be any color they want in these drawings! I ended up finishing up the background in a parallel line pattern. Lots of other options I would like to try: watercolor, gray/black patterned background. But this worked at the time.
By day...I work in the Healthcare field, where every .. i.. has to be dotted and every ..t.. has to be crossed. This blog is the place where I can let myself go and have some fun.
I am on a journey. A journey I started a long time ago, but
it has been a bit sidetracked with Navy Wife relocations and raising kids. I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel and I have got some time for me. No, I will not be one of those moms walking around the house with Empty Nest Syndrome, I have got way too much to do, to learn, to create. Sure, once the kids are gone I will miss them....but hey, there is always the phone, the email, the texting and the Plane tickets! I love my life and my family and It is fun moving into this new stage.
I am into Digital Scrapbooking, photography, journaling, Art Journaling and Drawing. I am a do-it-yourselfer and I am trying to teach myself to draw. I am finding that it takes a lot of patience, lots of practice and a good eraser!
And if you're really curious there's a 3 part Interview by Eileen:
All the best,