I was in need of a “real-live” book….Yea, Yea, digital books are great, but there is just something comforting about perusing the 303 pages of this design book!!
I did a book review of the first Print & Pattern book 3 years ago. I still like to pick it up and thumb thru those pages.
Here’s a review of my Top Ten prints:
Alys Paterson: Love her colors and the size variants here.
Amy Butler: I’ve bought her fabrics before. I liked this because it only uses 4 colors and it has flowers….I’m a sucker for flowers.
Graziela: Very German here, love the colors and the simplicity of each figure.
Jennifer Elroy: More flowers, helps feed my fetish.
Jonathan Adler: Again, a limited color pallet, and what fun suns!!
Jenny Bowers: Now this I gotta try, need I say more?
Marimekko: Classy & Elegant are those black & white designs
Mercedes Cortes: Love the simple stripes in the flowers.
Rob Ryan: La piece da resistance, this one nailed it cuz it’s so true!!
“You Can Still Do a Lot With a Small Brain”
Well, these are my top 10 for today….but if I were to compile another list in 6 months, I bet I’d have a completely different top ten. My tastes seem to fluctuate, haha.
You can get the Print & Pattern book here.
Check out this blog that produced Print & Pattern.
First of all.....I want to THANK YOU everyone for liking my facebook page! Wow! 212 likes!!
And the winner of the Free Caricature Sketch is Rocky Cross Studio! Please contact me here: elg921[at]yahoo[dot]com
- I’ll need a jpeg from you. It looks like you opted for the WACKY style! Good choice, this should be fun!
Thanks again to all of you that commented and even those that didn’t comment but liked my page anyway.
Since I am 7 likes away from 200 on my Draw.Doodle.Decorate Facebook page AND I’m in need of a portable project. I’ve decided that I will offer up a Caricature Sketch as a prize when I reach 200 page likes. As long as you meet the following criteria:
- Must Comment on this POST with the “Caricature Style” you like (see below)
- Must LIKE my Facebook page (I will need to cross reference commenters to LIKERS...if you've already liked it...then just comment here if interested)
- Must be “ok” with me drawing a jpeg that you submit for Caricature and be “ok” with a blog post about it.
This is a $30 value and just think, you get it for FREE.
Please let me know which “Caricature Style” you would like:
- Crazy
- Freaky
- Sunglass
- Theatrical
- Wacky
- Zany
CONTEST will end JUNE 23rd. Then I will pick the winner.
Jenny’s a relatively new blogger (only 2 yrs) and she’s been doing regular-folk artist interviews for a year. There’s a ton of information and inspiration at her site. You will be impressed!
I answered the interview questions months ago….and never heard a thing….Possibly they just weren’t interested.
Until today….I saw that my interview is featured on Jenniebelliestudio blog.
Thank you Jenny…..Love your blog, your art and your style. What fun!!