It was medium-moleskine time. I haven’t worked in this puppy since the end of February. It’s a most convenient size… 8 x 12 it’s not too big to carry around and it’s a good size for a decent sized drawing.
Played with my watercolors….trying to apply different colors to the background. As you can see, I tried to work with patterns…then gave up.
I like the vibrancy of watercolor….which expends very little energy.
After doing the alternating black/white borders to the circles, I wasn’t too impressed.
But the almighty-marker got me out of my visual pickle.
I really need to remember that watercolors can get muddy fast!
What I took away from this whimsical piece is the fun it is to bring out the shapes of the watercolor by outling the shapes with my finest nib micron. Possibly I can carry this into something else???? Who knows