* markers
* stencils
* doodling
* moleskine notebooks
Then the questions.............
Why didn't I take more Art Classes?
Why did I compare myself to more talented people only to become discouraged and give up?
Is it too late to find my voice?
Is it too late to learn something new....heck a lotta new?
Am I too old for this? For coloring? For playing? For painting by numbers?
Isn't imitation the greatest form of flattery?
Can I just take a little of this from her and a little of that from him and
make something that is easier for me?
Why now? Why am I able to relax with this now? After all these years?
Ahhhhh, because of the internet....
the Flickr Groups,
the Blogs,
the Digital Cameras,
the Books.
And ALL the frenzy of artistic talent out there.
The above doodle page was done on my recent vacation to Florida.
It's the first time I've actually drawn in this particular moleskine.
I'm not happy with the paper in this moleskine. I think this one was for sketchers. Must find a more marker-friendly moleskine, possibly something
like this ONE.
Picture Frame from ScrapGirls;
Amanda Sok's Worn Overlay Embellishment Templates
Heck no you're not too old! Go for it! Embrace your creativity!
I LOVE those doodles, btw.
I'm sitting here smiling at your questions. I could ask the same myself. I'm 63! I've decided I'm just going to go for it and stop listening to my super critical inner voice. I found you on Flickr through one of my groups.
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