Posted this picture back in January with my Yoga Girl One post.
Brought in color. I thought it would be cool to have a more batik looking outfit with a lot of color movement. Watercolors can pull this off rather easily
I thought I’d balance the red in her outfit with the opposite color….Green. But it did not turn out well. Much too dark.
I pulled up a lot of that green with a brush and water. A unique element of working in this medium.
I like the mat better here, a lighter shade of green.
I stalled on this project for about a month because it was hair time. I tend to do that a lot. But what I really need to remember….is to keep the crown of the head’s hair darker, by putting many more lines (strands) in.
Last thing to do before completion is this hand. It’s not watercolored yet, just showing the w/c pencil stippling now. Hopefully, I’ll be able to blend this better for a more realistic impression.
My kitchen table!! Soon to be cleared off…. close to completion…..