Yes…..You have permission to use stencils! Really! They get your mind off of your lines, and on to what exactly you want to express on the paper. Did you know that many professional fields use stencils? Drafters, Architects, Landscapers, Interior Decorators, and Graphic Designers. Graphic Designers use a digital stencil or stamp called Brushes. If you’ve ever loaded “brushes” into your photo editing program then you know what I’m talking about. Digital brushes can do so much more than the simple manual ones pictured above. They’re pretty cool and versatile.
Today’s post is in response to a comment from LuLu from an earlier post. She was so cute when she said,
“And thank you, thank you for giving us permission to use stencils - I have a whole stash of stencils that I rarely used - but now I will dust them off and use them more!”
Personally, I don’t think my “art” has suffered because I use stencils. I have found that my line drawing, my pencil grip have gotten better since I’ve taken to using stencils. It’s given me more confidence in drawing a straight line or a circle. The subtle or minor touches to a drawing have been enhanced because I’m actually spending time with my tools (pens, pencils, markers) now. I’m getting that practice in….who cares if I’m tracing over a stencil line? I’m not that proud... Well, maybe a little.
Picture of hand from wikipedia.
NOTE: Since I tend to get my tarsals, metatarsals, carpals and phalanges mixed up, this picture just may help me remember them.
Did you know that the human hand has 27 bones? I found that out only because I really wanted to know how many muscles are in the human hand. I could not find this answer on-line. Anywhere! The articles I came across were all about the “muscle groups” of the hand. There was a lot of talk about the thenar, hypothenar, dorsal, volar and lumbrical muscles. Please……I just want a number, not an education. Was I going to be tested? Ugh! So, please if anyone knows the answer….. post, post, post. I really do want to know! Maybe there will be a prize????
My point is, that with all these muscles and bones, we really need to get our dexterity up to task. I think drawing, with or with out stencils helps with this. We don’t use our hands like we used to. Heck, with all the computer time I put in, my long hand has gotten super sloppy. Which means my ability to make my hand perform certain lines, marks and scrolls has suffered as well.
This flower power doodle is in HONOR of stencils! Go, get out your stencils, your markers, your paper. Use those phalanges and have fun! It’s okay!! Really, it is!