October 28, 2013

Ballet in Watercolor…try

Well, it seems that I can’t get enough dance/ballet sketches.  Wonder what this says about my life?  If you can’t do it…..draw it?  Haha

My goal….is to stay in the liquid watercolor medium as long as possible.


Usually by this time, I would’ve grabbed my w/c pencils.


Just a cool shot…thought I’d share.


What I’m finding is….that I have to let the watercolor pool the way it likes.  I have to be very patient and not push it around so much….let it dry in a puddle. Then come back and apply more, layer it.


I have to come at these paintings differently…not in the photo-realistic way.  Hopefully I can keep it colorful and fun!

October 24, 2013

Gallery Wall


If you’re anything like me, I bet you take lots of pictures and you don’t print them out?


When I came upon this picture on Pinterest, I knew this would solve the world’s all my problems.  I got my measurements from this site, which is the lady who took the original picture (very good instructions here if you want to do one yourself).  Then, off I went to the builder’s store to pick up all my supplies.  We measured, cut, and assembled.  I used wood filler so the screws wouldn’t show.  Then I painted the shelves black. 


Once dry, my sweet husband helped me measure and screw them into the wall.

I grabbed a hodge-podge of miscellaneous frames around the house.  I recently found the hands at Hobby Lobby and decided to spray paint the whole lot. 


Since the shelves are black, we opted to spray paint everything white.


We installed 2 sets of the gallery shelves. The first set is 22” wide …


and the second set is 35” wide.  What is perfect about these shelves is I can change things up without putting all kinds of holes in the wall.


I love these hands!!  I want to go in and paint their nails next!  Haha


And another favorite, my glass head from Pier One.  About half my friends say this is too creepy for them!! Not me…it inspires me to dress up for Halloween!

October 9, 2013



When I snapped this picture for my last post, I fell in love.


In the middle of the night, I knew what I was going to do with that picture.

Cuz, I needed a portable project and this would be perfect.

I adore the fun colorful works of Daniel Gregory and Thomas Thorspecken, granted they are much better than I and can even do it on-the-spot. 

I had it on my list to create a drawing of my art supplies and stuff and this fit in nicely.


Now…I like this picture too….maybe I’ll do another picture-in-picture-in-picture, because I really seem to be avoiding the still life of the glass bottles that got this all started!  Haha


For some reason, I like all these details, this kind of picture lets me play around with parts and pieces.  I can change things up (like the striped coaster and the striped file folder) where I want.  I did this all in watercolor & w/c pencils, cuz I have so much to learn there.


Another fun type of sketch that can be done by anyone. 

October 6, 2013

Glass Bottles in Watercolor….2

I’ve been a little ungrounded lately, because I don’t have a major project I’m working on.  Then I remembered…..


My glass bottles from July that I have been neglecting.

I’m using the watercolor pencils and to get rid of that graininess, I need to go in with a bit of water on a small brush. 


Unexpectedly, my favorite part of this is the cork in the green bottle!  A cork!! Go figure Smile