July 16, 2010

Word for the year

Oh No

Oh, No!! I just realized the year is halfway over and I never did get around to picking my word for the year. I had such High Hopes that I’d pick a really good word that would propel me to do more with my life….but alas, I forgot!

Look at this list….I’m surprised that none of these words resonated with me this year.


Last year I was one of the first on the word-bandwagon. My word, Start really got me off my duff to do some things, make some changes.

How about you? Did anybody pick a word? How has your word worked for you?


Jeanne Nelson said...

Eden, LOVE your "Oh No" doodling! . . . and I see "doodle" appears twice in your list ~~ could it, perhaps, have been your "subconscious" word for the year, hehehe? Your doodling inspires me ~~ love the bright colors and designs! Wishing you a fabulous weekend, Eden!!!

Rebecca Anthony said...

First of all I never knew about this word of the year thing, I think I like that. Hmmmm I will have to give that some thought. You have some great words written there, I can think of a lot of those that would work for me.
Secondly your letters and I know I've seen them before but Eden these are simply sensational!!!!! I can't get enough of them. Have you done every letter? Have you done more than one of each letter? I've thought about doing letters so many times and fully intend to do so one day. But these letters you create are SOOOO awesome! I love love love them!!!

Unknown said...

I picked "grow". I am growing a lot, but I still have to embrace it, full on :)

Eileen The Artful Crafter said...

I picked a phrase: One Hour a Day Art. It was supposed to mean one hour a day dedicated to creating art for myself - just things I truly want to do.

How has it worked? About as well as could be expected, which means I actually did it about one 30 days out of 180. lol.

Janet said...

Last year I picked "grow" but this year I was like you. I kept thinking I'd pick a word but never did. I like the words you have on your list. Any one of them would be good but I especially like "evolve"....and your "Oh, no" doodle is great. You are the BEST at doing these!

Liberty said...

I didn't pick a word.

I LOVE your Oh No drawing!
seriously LOVE IT!
wow. :-)

lori vliegen said...

oh no! i didn't pick a word for myself, but i have one for you: INSPIRE!
because that's what you always do!! i love your colorful doodle! xox, :))

Eden said...

@Jeanne- you are so smart!! Good eye...you're right I guess I subconsciously picked "doodle".

@Rebecca- I have doodled each letter, upper (twice) and lower case. My first set is a little rough, but the second set of letters is much better. I wasn't as cautious with color. The letters here are from my second set. I would love to see what you come up with, YOU are so creative!!!

@Chel- I really like your word...baby steps, baby steps!!! Keep at it :D

@Eileen- I like the idea of picking a phrase, I just may do that for 2011....Thank YOU!

@Janet- You are so kind and I think evolve is a good word too....I just don't know what I would evolve into!! LOL!!

@Liberty- Thank YOU!!!

@Lori- I think the feeling is mutual gf!! Thank you :) :)

Marthann's Musings said...

Eden, thanks for the post on my blog. I am indeed taking a break, we will see if I return. I will still be looking at your fantastic work. Thanks, Martha

Serena Lewis said...

Love your 'OH NO!'....my word for 2010 was 'DO'. I guess I certainly have been doing a lot of things this year so I guess it's working okay. It's never to late to pick a word or phrase if you prefer. :)

EVA said...

I picked CREATE and to reinforce it decided to join the Creative Every Day 2010 challenge. http://creativeeveryday.com/

It has been working for me in that I have indeed created some little thing every day this year, sometimes more. Unfortunately I have as a result focused on small thing versus big projects but I tell myself I am building up to larger creations! ;)

You have lots of great words there! I am thoroughly enjoying your doodles!

Anonymous said...

Hi Eden! My word for the year is INTENT ( and the variation INTENTION ). This has turned out to be a perfect fit thus far :)
Your 'Oh No' doodle ROCKS!!!!

Carol said...

I just found your blog from Eileen @ artful crafter and love this post. I had never heard of the word for the year and love it. I like the phrase aspect as well and am going to join in now as my newest phase is to not put things off so my 'word for the rest of the year' will be NOW! Thanks for the inspiration.

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By day...I work in the Healthcare field, where every .. i.. has to be dotted and every ..t.. has to be crossed. This blog is the place where I can let myself go and have some fun. I am on a journey. A journey I started a long time ago, but it has been a bit sidetracked with Navy Wife relocations and raising kids. I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel and I have got some time for me. No, I will not be one of those moms walking around the house with Empty Nest Syndrome, I have got way too much to do, to learn, to create. Sure, once the kids are gone I will miss them....but hey, there is always the phone, the email, the texting and the Plane tickets! I love my life and my family and It is fun moving into this new stage. I am into Digital Scrapbooking, photography, journaling, Art Journaling and Drawing. I am a do-it-yourselfer and I am trying to teach myself to draw. I am finding that it takes a lot of patience, lots of practice and a good eraser! And if you're really curious there's a 3 part Interview by Eileen: HERE All the best, Eden