July 20, 2011

Drawing on Paper vs. Electronically

I think I’m on my 7th moleskine!  There’s just something extremely predictable about those books with that watercolor paper.  I’m hooked!

It’s been suggested that I start doodling/drawing in Photoshop….you know, open up the blank page, grab my wacom tablet pen and start doodling away.  I however, do not find that relaxing one bit.  I like the feel of the pens on the paper.  Photoshop is mighty crisp and extremely detailed.  But not as convenient as my moleskine….How can you beat ”grab and go”?   No need to remember a second battery, very light-weight compared to the 16 pounds that a laptop can pack. 

However, I do think I should do some “creating” in photoshop.  It is the way of the future.  And I did hear that there is a photoshop app for ipads.  I’d be interested in that.  But please, don’t make me carry a laptop around.  Sorry, I know a lot of people love them.  But I’ll take my desktop over a laptop any day.  More bang for the buck, too.

I wonder if drawing in photoshop is a mental hurdle that I need to get over?  Do any of you draw in photoshop?  What are your thoughts on this photoshop issue?

July 16, 2011

Glad Goldie

It was time for another bird….not one quite so Zany!  One, a little more normal (if there is such a thing).

I wanted to show the festive spirit of this bird, hence the balloons!

Lots of color was needed in her dress, and I didn’t think the markers could give me the look I wanted this time!  So, out came those wonderful watercolor pencils!  Love the way they show individual color variations.

Goldie, the Gift-Giver…..she really can’t help herself, she just does what comes naturally.  She GIVES!  She listens to what her friends say, she sees what her family needs.  Then she spots the perfect gift months ahead of time.  She’ll buy it and hide it away until the Big Day!  She enjoys the whole presentation; the paper, the ribbons, the cards and the Surprise!  It just makes her day to see others smile!

The only problem I've found when I get too ahead of myself in the gift-giving department is…..I’ll forget I bought something or I lose the present!  Not Good!  Hahaha!

July 14, 2011

Here’s Gnick, the other Gnome

Gnick only resembles Gnoah because they both have beards.

He got the red hat!!  Lucky guy!

Just a simple little gnome.

Had to hold back and not make his little hat all girly-like!

Gnick the Gnome…..He really doesn’t mind living underground, and he doesn’t mind being stationed on garden-patrol.  But what really bugs him, is when people try to catch him just so he’ll grant their wish!  He’s not a leprechaun you know :)

As fun as these little gnomes were to draw, what I really missed was just plain doodling!!

July 12, 2011

Gnoah Gnadinger I’d like you to meet….

When I asked you guys what to name my gnome, Baronessnz immediately
chimed in with Noah!  What a perfect name for my first little gnome.  And like JP said, we gotta keep up the tradition of Gn (with a silent G) dontchathink?  So Noah became Gnoah!

Gnoah the Gnome…..he has been told he resembles Doc of “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”.  He is pleased with the comparison. 

A blue hat was requested, so that’s what Gnoah got.  I felt a little constricted in my doodling space.  Not a whole lotta space to doodle in, and I didn’t want to make him dorky!  I’m kinda fond of his Adidas sneakers!


I put my friend’s name on the gnome photo print.  Name done in photoshop.  Just clipped some of my art over the top of a standard font. 

Here’s my moleskine next to the 4x6 photo print.  He shrank a bit.

Gnoah will have to wait another day to meet his brother Gnick.   They do things a little backwards in this family!

July 8, 2011

A Gnome With No Gname


This title is a total play on the song “A Horse With No Name” from the late 70’s.  And since I like alliteration statements I cheated and added the G to “name”!!  How in the world did our language develop to having a G in front of an N and have that pronounced as an N-sound??  Why even fool with the G??  Beats me!

A few weeks ago a friend at work asked me if I could draw her a gnome.   I said I’d try, and off I went to research and see what exactly they look like.   Lots of different ones out there and all quite cute.  I liked this guy the most.

I stood up to snap a picture of the Gnome at this stage and the next thing I knew…. I was still standing there organizing my markers.  First, I had to grab all my available sharpie fine-point markers, then my Faber Castell pens…..and of course…. the colors had to be lined up “just so”.  Can anyone say O.C.D.??  Ah well, even so, it sure helps to make a prettier picture.  LOL!!

So….if any of you Smart People out there have a suggestion for a Gnaming my Gnome, I’d love to hear it!