April 30, 2011

Blog Banner Awareness


Started the New Year with this banner…..way too busy!  I wish there was a way to make the banners that you use for a month…static….meaning that they stay that way in the archives with the posts that were used at that time.  I just think it would make this blog more interesting.


This banner (Feb) is one that just came together well for me.  Don’t know why I like it or why it works, it just does.


This banner (March) was in celebration of my doodle directory popularity.  I’d never done an-all-geometric or doodled type header, didn’t know if I’d like it.  Chose to alternate black/white blocks with the colored ones, so there wasn’t too much asking for attention up there.  Because RED definitely likes the spotlight.  I’m pleasantly pleased with this banner.


Did a little sketching the previous month so my April banner reflected it. 

So….on this last day of April, I’ll leave you in suspense.  Will I change the banner or won’t I?  And what will it look like if I do?  Do you have a blog banner that you'd like to share with us?  Any suggestions for future blog banners?

April 27, 2011

Water Doodle….Nombre Deux

I took a drafting class when I was newly married and had lots of time on my hands.  I had to purchase some really good materials for the class and this was one of them.  A very exact compass, which uses actual lead, no pencils get clipped onto this puppy.

After making numerous semi-circles and stenciled flowers I was ready to ENHANCE.

This reminded someone (who shall remain un-named) of those spirograph designs.  I had to laugh, because by-golly he was right.  It does look like a spirograph design.  Just took me 100 times longer to create though.

Just a close-up view of the work-in-progress. 

I had to bring some RED in, it looked a little dingy without some pop.

This one may be a little too-precise.  I think I like the first one better.  That’s the thing about art, you just got keep trying different things.  Amazing how two similar pieces will not have the same curb-appeal, amazing!

April 22, 2011

Water Doodle….Numero Uno

It all started when I showed my daughter’s friend my Flickr Favorites while on vacation.  This young lady was so cute, she liked so many pictures she saw on my Flickr Favorite Photostream.  She has seen all.of.my.work, so she’s got a good sense of what I can do and what I like.  She spotted this picture from Margaret Storer-Roche and turned to me and said, “Wow, you should do something like this”.  I looked at it and thought “Yeah, I should….that’d be fun”.

So, I grabbed my favorite floral stencils.  Then picked out some primary colors from my watercolor pencil stash and went to work.

I like the look of watercolors with black and white uniform patterns included. 

Referred to my Doodle Directory many times for ideas while filling in this part.

Had an idea to zentangle up the inside of the Rainbow rings…..but I’ve since scratched that thought.

Must practice more with those watercolor pencils….wanted to have a lot of blue in that lower-right flower,
this isn’t exactly the look I was after.  Ahhh well!

This was a blast to make!!  A bLaSt!!  Free-handed the leaves and the lower blue flowers.  I have to admit, I am more drawn to the precise-ness of the stencils though.

To make one for yourself all you need is:
  • A compass
  • Good Black fine point permanent marker
  • Watercolor pencils
  • A stencil or two
  • Your Imagination

April 18, 2011

Diver Done

Well, I had to go back and at least try to fix the back area.  Yes, even though I already shaded in the area and it was “passable”, it still bugged me.

I want to share a little tip I learned (don’t know where).  Take your little gummy-eraser and dab.dab.dab, as you blend.  It really helps to get that graphite blended, and it’s a wonderful way to smooth the whole area out.


Two more views of the diver-in-process.


Had to go back in and adjust that neck line.  I can only see things as they should be in relation to the other parts.

Here’s my little diver-girl Graphite only.

But, my favorite part of sketching is this part.  Where I take my micron pen and outline the figure with permanent ink.  Helps me to see it better, and I think in the long run it will keep the boundaries in line.


I really should give the photographer credit.  This picture was found here.

I think I made her arms longer than they should be and her “pike” position isn’t as piked.  This was a real fun picture to sketch.  I was a bit intimidated by the shadows the arms made on the legs.  I can see that I have to work on my graphite gradients…..those legs look like they belong to another person.

I think I’m avoiding drawing faces…..I’ve printed out another senior picture of my daughter and have yet to start it.

April 14, 2011

Flippin’ out over here


I tried to lighten this picture up, still appears pretty gray….sorry.

In this “contour drawing” stage if you look closely, you can see just how many lines I put down alongside a similar line….then erase.  It’s the only way I know how to do it.  I guess I could grid the picture out first, but I’m not really into making more work for myself.  Especially since these are just for fun.  As I continue there will be more line adjustments, I’m sure….always are.

LoViNg my ipad!! Especially for times like this when I want to pull up my picture (anywhere) and start sketching. 

I started to flip out when I saw how small the back circular area is compared to the original.  Too late to go back now, just wish I saw it earlier.  I hope she doesn’t come out deformed, hopefully she’ll just be short-waisted.

Off to tweak my flips, now.

April 11, 2011

TV Tots

I probably should start this post with a WARNING Sign, because opinions will be expressed.  But it’s my blog and it’s just my opinion.  One opinion among billions!

But before I get ahead of myself, I’ll show you my usual step-by-step drawing process.

Just three young birds doing their thing.  But I think the baseball player is trying to get a game up.

Brought in those wonderful watercolor pencils for the green wall, the blue sky seen through the window and the blonde girl.

Turn me off… Think for yourself.  Just the facts m’am – just the facts.  These people aren’t real, the lives you see here are an illusion.  Go do something…Anything….read, write, draw, dance, sing or play.  Your options are limitless.  Don’t succumb to the mistrust, envy and greed that this breeds.  And often it all starts with the commercials!

There I said it!  Now you know my opinion about TV.  Don’t get me wrong, I watch TV, and we’ve got 4-5 of them in our house.  And I thank my lucky stars that I stopped being glued-to-the-tube at an early age, for reasons I won’t go into here. And it’s pretty rare that I’ll sit down and watch a show alone.  Just my way…. just my way.  I have to confess, I’m never the first person to know what’s going on in the news, and I rarely remember the names of some of the new stars.  I can’t recognize a mature face that started out as a child actor.  I’m a sucker and completely gullible when I watch TV.  I believe so much of what I see.  So, for me….I’ve got to prevent the drama from creeping into my life from the tube.  I don’t much care for any Soap Operas, American Idol, or Dancing with the Stars.  But if there’s a mystery on, or a lifetime mini-series….I’ve been known to take a peek.  Usually I’m not in control of the remote, and I’ve fallen in love with the “go back”  DVR button when I am.  Wouldn’t it be cool if there was a “go back” button in real life?

April 1, 2011

It’s about time….


Fin-A-Lly….finally Spring Break time!!  What a l.o.n.g. winter this has been.  But we survived!  And now it’s time for some much needed rest and beach time.  No big plans once there, just going with the flow.   My favorite way to vacate.  How about you?

Have a nice week yourself.  I’ll see you on the other side.