August 14, 2013

Out of the mouth of Babes


I came upon this image a few months ago and I thought it was so cool! So simple!

So, I broke the image up into 5 kids holding balloons.  It was watercolor time since I have so much to learn about this medium.

Gave each child a different color.

Initially, I wanted to doodle inside of each figure.  As seen with the legs on the blue girl.  But…it was not going as planned and the idea had to be abandoned.

Kids being who they are (honest and real)….and if we could just hear their thoughts I’d bet we’d hear a few of the following statements.

  1. Which hand is my right one?   (I didn’t figure this one out until high school)
  2. I don’t like dirty feet! (I’ve known a few kids like this)
  3. I think I like strawberry more than chocolate.  (Can’t imagine anyone thinking this)
  4. Is today Saturday? (Must’ve been spoken in the summer) 
  5. I wish I had the Blue Balloon. (You know how kids are)
I don’t think this is done yet, but I can’t think of anything else to embellish it with.   Ideas?


  1. Lovely as usual. And what about the colored bottles. Have you finished them ? I am very impatient to see how you have done the transparency.

  2. Too bad the doodled legs did turn out. I really like that concept.....

  3. Thanks Sandrine!! Yes, I've still got some work to do on those bottles!!

    Thanks Deb, the problem with the doodling over the figures is it made them so dark, not much color was getting thru. Possibly if I used a finer tip nib I would've liked it.

  4. Love it. You could give them different socks... Stripes, checks... you are the queen of doodle.. you know better than I do. It's a very cool piece.

  5. @Boo, that is a really good idea!! May take you up on that :)
