June 21, 2013

Caricature Giveaway Promo


Since I am 7 likes away from 200 on my Draw.Doodle.Decorate Facebook page AND I’m in need of a portable project.  I’ve decided that I will offer up a Caricature Sketch as a prize when I reach 200 page likes.  As long as you meet the following criteria:
  • Must Comment on this POST with the “Caricature Style” you like (see below)
  • Must LIKE my Facebook page (I will need to cross reference commenters to LIKERS...if you've already liked it...then just comment here if interested)
  • Must be “ok” with me drawing a jpeg that you submit for Caricature and be “ok” with a blog post about it.

This is a $30 value and just think, you get it for FREE. 


Please let me know which Caricature Style” you would like:
  1. Crazy
  2. Freaky
  3. Sunglass
  4. Theatrical
  5. Wacky
  6. Zany
CONTEST will end JUNE 23rd.  Then I will pick the winner.


  1. Wacky!! I love all of them but Wacky looks like me and my gals!! You are so creative!!!!

  2. how generous of you.....I'd love one of your pieces...crazy would be mine...I hope I'm picked!

  3. Sorry sweety don't do Facebook... Anyway it would be terribly difficult to pick which style as i love them all...Good Luck on getting to 200!!
    Hugs! deb

  4. I'm loving the wacky one! You do a lovely job and I can't wait to see the drawing of whoever wins!

  5. I'm loving the wacky one! You do a lovely job and I can't wait to see the drawing of whoever wins!
