May 7, 2010

idk…..i don’t know


What am I going to do with these all these letters?

idk....I don’t know!! That’s text talk! Speaking of which , the more I keep texting family and friends the harder it is for me to write NORMAL emails to ppl people (especially at work). I have to stop myself from using a “u” for “you” and a “ur” for "your"! But don’t you just love the simplicity? Less key strokes! I’m always up for less keystrokes!

I digress…..The question is: What am I going to do with all these letters? idk…Sure don’t….and does it really matter? The little entrepreneur in me says, sell them, make money, push them. But I figure things will come together as they should. I enjoy doodling, coloring and just playing with these shapes. So, really that’s enough for now.

I could also be asking myself….. What am I going to do with all these moleskines? Ha!!

I’ve just started a fifth, Moleskine that is!! They are the BEST!! But let me clarify that, I only buy the watercolor moleskines. If you’re a sketcher you wouldn’t need the watercolor version. But us marker ppl people we’ve got to have some weight to the paper, or else! Or else, it gets pretty ugly, pretty fast with the bleed thru, ruining 1-2 pages underneath. Ugh!

This project should really be done by now!! I feel kinda bad for neglecting it! If you can remember from this post, that I need to put something on the wall above the couch. So, this was my decision! I haven’t touched it since I finished stitching the tulip! Must get it in gear here! Really!

Is anyone else wondering what your gonna do with your projects/ art?


  1. Love, love, love the letters. Your work is so bright and cherry. Reminds me alot of what I do.
    Happy Friday.

  2. I have finished and unfinished art stashed just about everywhere in the house! I have no idea what to do with all of it.

    PS - I'm from another generation and I absolutely hate texting and all the shortcuts. I think we're in danger of losing our writing skills....but that's just me. :-)

  3. Martha, I love your use of color!! We are kindred spirits that way :D

    Janet, You are so right!!! It's kind of scarry. I find myself misspelling while I text with my fat fingers and then going back to correct my words. The best thing about texting is when I can txt my DH the grocery list and then he has it right there on his phone! No forgotten grocery lists that way :D

  4. I love these letters!!! And your birdie is cute,cute. I got the tiny little sketchbook after Janet finished with it and sent it on to me and found out about your blog for the first time.
