January 24, 2009

Rubik's Cube

I was in college when these came out in the early 80's and they frustrated me then but not as much as they frustrate me NOW! My 20 yr old college student son wanted one of these. So while in Chicago we ran into a Walgreens on Thanksgiving day. When we returned home he played around with it some then turned to me and said, "Mom would you like to time me to see how fast I can complete this"......Sure I said........I hit my watch and kind of ignored him figuring that I'd watch the last part in about 10 minutes.......2 minutes 16 seconds later, he handed it to me and said "DONE".....

Ugh! I then tried for about 5 minutes and couldn't even get one side. He gave me a few pointers but I so lack patience for this. I gave up 5 minutes later! My mind is not wired for this, at all!

But what a hoot that his mind is!

January 15, 2009

When was the last time you bought a CD?

I am really not sure when I've bought a CD last. I think it was around 2003.
I am LOVING, let me repeat LOVING the way I can get music now! How I wish I had an ipod when I was in high school. I can get any song I want for .99 cents, I can find the artist and the song title in minutes. Downloaded and listening to my new tune within, what? Five minutes? Three??? Not only did I never know who sang the song I wanted back in high school or what the title of the song was. The ultimate embarassment would be when I had to "perform", you know sing a few lines, hum a tune, give them a clue!! Since I can't carry a tune, my friends would laugh and then they'd take over and sing it to the helpful attendant. Then of course, I'd have to fork over $8-12 bucks for the entire CD, and I usually just listened to the one song. As I got a little older I started listening to the entire CD. Then I found out that there were other songs on the CD that I became more fond of than the one I bought it for. Amazing!!

But all that has ended now! Cuz, I'm downloadin' and backing up!
Yep, this is the life!

January 14, 2009

Yeah.....I think I'll keep my day job!

Came across this site and I was fascinated with the concept of drawing a self-portrait. I wanted to try it, to really s-t-r-e-t-c-h my artistic/creative muscles. Well, as you can see, it really needs more stretching. This was really fun. I only had 15 minutes while waiting for my daughter to get out of school and I was armed with 2 fine-point Sharpies in purple and red. I was lucky I had my sketch pad with me and this is what I got. Looking thru the rearview mirror. I also, took a picture for comparisons sake, but dummy me, I deleted it by accident. Oh well, I'll have to try this experiment again.

January 13, 2009

Digital Picture Viewer Keychain

My DD knows me well, for Christmas she got me this Digital Keychain. I had
seen them at the stores and I thought they were cute, but I'd never buy one
for myself. The fact that she thought I'd like this made it special to
me. So, I've loaded it up with our Beach pics from last summer and now it's ready to go. It's pretty cool. It has a slide viewer which I can adjust how long
between pictures. It has a clock & date stamp. The only negative is the viewing
field is pretty small at 1.5 inches. It charges thru the USB and takes no
external batteries. The charge is good for 8 hours of "on time".

It's just so cute!

January 12, 2009

Project 52

I have decided to join in on the PICTURE A DAY project at ScrapGirls. Then once a week we will do a Layout with the 7 pictures we've taken that week. I think this is a wonderful way for me to "get going" on my photography. I hope that it will help me to experiment more with my shots. Know my camera, adjust my aperture and settings.

Well, I plan to post some pictures or Layouts here as I get going.

Wish me luck!!

January 7, 2009

My Word of the Year

I love to play on the computer and try different things! I was just messing around and came up with this for my word of the Year!

January 6, 2009

Never drive faster.....

Never drive faster than your Guardian Angel can fly

Ok? Ok, honey?? My youngest is taking her driving test today! Already! She's had her permit for 180 days, she's accumulated the required 60 hours (and more) behind the wheel with ten of them being at night.

But, I still see her as my ....

my baby!

If you have a moment, please say a prayer for her and for all the young drivers that are just gaining their road experience. I pray that they don't assume they know what the other drivers are doing, that they take that second look just before they switch lanes. That they have the sense to put their cell phones down and not fiddle with the radio. That they allow themselves a few extra minutes to get where they need to be so they aren't rushed. That they are quick reflexed, conscientious and courteous drivers. Amen.

January 5, 2009


Today, everyone goes back to school or to work after the Christmas break. I'm planning to get back into my exercise routine. I do one of 4 things, I Swim, Step (stationary biking is the warm down), Weights or Run (ugh! Wish I enjoyed this, but I don't. I only do it because it's the best way to tone my legs). Rarely do I walk. I like to walk, but I don't do it as exercise it's more as a "mental escape" or scenery change for me.

About 4 yrs ago, I could never keep track of whether I worked out or not. When the kids had to be carted back & forth and back & forth , and I was doing lots of quilting in between I would think that I worked out "yesterday", but I really wasn't for sure. That's when I started using the kitchen calendar to write my workouts down. It was so easy and Visual. I could see at a glance if I've been slacking off or if I could use a break.

From this I could see how much I exercised that year. I decided to keep a yearly log on my Palm. The categories are the same as above: Swim, Weights, Steps, Run, Bike. It's been a little reward system, if you will. This year was not as good as last year in TOTAL DAYs worked out. Last year I totalled 250 days, this year only 227 days. I've figured out if I work out 5 days a week that would equal 260 days per year and if I work out 4 days a week then I'd have to do 208 days per year. So, really I'm about where I want to be. Not less than 4 days a week.

January 3, 2009

Quiet Responses........

A gentle answer turns away wrath, but harsh words stir up anger.
Proverbs 15:1
Have you ever tried to argue in a whisper? It is equally hard to argue with someone who insists on answering gently. On the other hand, a rising voice and harsh words almost always trigger an angry response. To turn away wrath and seek peace, choose gentle words.

Rush! Rush! Rush! Hurry, get there, do that! Don't forget! These are the types of statements that on occasion will cycle through my psyche. And with that comes a "hurried response" a louder than I planned response. Sometimes too quick a response. Not only have I not thought it out, it hasn't even occurred to me how the response would sound if I were the one listening. If only I could halt
a few seconds and take a deep breathe instead racing to answer....

As per my word for the year. I'm going to try to START responding more softly in all my engagements. Not just in a possible tiff here or there with my family. But in my responses to the support team on the phone, or some of my excited responses to the people I engage with on a day to day basis at work and the parents I see when attending school or sport functions. I know this may be 2nd nature for many of you, but it's not for me. It will be something I need to be mindful of! It will be another thing I will need to be mindful of!! Oh-evie!

January 2, 2009

Do you Doodle?

I think we all are capable of doodling? I doodle when I'm on the phone, when I am in meetings (cuz I'll have pen and paper), when I'm home and making lists of items to get from the grocery store. I love coming across people's doodles. Just think of what you can learn from them. Lots of times I can find out who likes who, or I can find out the "date of the doodle". Yeah, random stuff, but fun stuff too! When I was a kid I always doodled faces. I worked on the eyes and someone showed me how to do the pupil, where it looks like light reflects in them. I like to doodle in color too! Fine point sharpies are my marker of choice.

I was so happy to receive this Doodle book I heard about for Christmas. It's called "Doodling for Papercrafters" by Maelynn Cheung and you can find it HERE

January 1, 2009

Organizing my USB cords! Ugh

Why are all these cords "proprietary" ? Why? We have the USB cord to the Palm, to the Olympus Camera, Rio MP3 player, Sandisk Sansa, Sony Cybershot, Sony Alpha, and my Instinct Phone. Only one of these cords will "multi-task". The Standard USB cord I got with the Palm.

Thankfully, it did my Olympus Camera and my Rio. But why didn't Sony make one proprietary cord? My DD's cybershot cord will not work with my Alpha SLR, huh? Go figure!

So, feeling rather inspired to organize this mess. I labelled each end of each cord. I use the red background tape to signify "camera", the blue bkgd tape to signify "mp3/Phone" and the white tape is because this is the closest to a UNIVERSAL USB I have found.

I still am not 100% in love with the visual effect this leaves, but it's far better than the way it was.

If you've found a "system" or an item that helps you organize your cords please share it. Oh yeah, it has to be less than $10, too!