December 31, 2008

Very Random game- But if you believe in synchronicity then maybe there's something to it.

The game is PLAY BOOK and I found it on this blogpost: from the November 28th post.

Play BOOK!
Book! Rules:
1- Grab the book nearest you. Right now.
2- Turn to page 56.
3- Find the fifth sentence.
4- Post that sentence along with these instructions in a note to your wall (blog, journal,etc), and post your sentence in a comment here as well.

My 5th sentence was:
“Description also satisfies the defiant human desire to preserve certain “unforgettable” perceptions against the annihilation of time.”

I really wanted to post the 6th sentence:
There are moments that, for the artist in all of us, seem too important to allow to pass into oblivion.

Oh Well.......

December 30, 2008

Christmas Cards

Our 2008 Christmas Card!

December 28, 2008

Merry Christmas

Busy, busy, busy time! But I wouldn't have it any other way! We always take a "all included" picture on our last day at the beach! Now, I'm starting an "all included" picture for Christmas. It really isn't hard to set up the tripod, so why didn't I do this before?

P.S. Today is my 23rd Wedding Anniversary! Wow!

December 17, 2008

Professional Pictures, Can't Sell without a Release

I guess I should feel flattered, but this could be a hassle! I took wedding pictures for this adorable couple this summer and as a Christmas gift to them, I wanted to make a funky little Digital Layout. I really don't know if this is their style, but I sure had fun making it.I just wonder why Walgreens requested a release? I said; "Well, I took the picture and I did the Layout in Photoshop". I told them I release myself! The clerk didn't give me any problems, but what if she had? Do I need to carry around my purchase information from ScrapGirls because I bought some digital elements from them......See the Date Stamp,the Vertical Diamond border, the "Always and Forever" and the butterflies. Please note,this is a gift, I am not selling this.

I'm gonna upload to a different Walgreens for my digi-Layouts next time! Who wants to be bothered?

December 15, 2008

The Christmas Card

You won't be getting this Christmas Card from us. I loved this card. I liked the colors and the quote. But it has been axed! You see, I'm married to a man with rather strong opinions and well, he 1- Didn't get the quote (not Christmassy enough) and 2- He didn't like the hat I photoshoped in (I guess I could've put it on the dog) and 3- His original shirt was Orange, not red (but see I changed the color to work with my theme). So, now I'm working on another card. And I better hurry, I'm running out of time.

December 14, 2008

Word for the Year

I am lousy at keeping New Years Resolutions! First of all, I can never think of the "perfect" resolution! I ping-pong and yo-yo between any and all of the ones below:
1) Lose weight 2) Exercise more 3) Make my bed every morning 4) Cook more or try new recipes 5) Cut and use coupons

You get my drift. I'm obviously pretty vague about 1 & 2 ; I should say lose 10 pounds by Easter, or Exercise for 30 min. a day. #3 is a super hard one for me because 3-4 mornings a week I am out of the house before DH is even out of bed. AND, #4 is well, it just will be something that I've resolved myself to not enjoying. Granted, I love to EAT and get SERVED but the actual task for me reminds me of work (performing multi-step testing to get an accurate result). I also think I'm a rather boring eater. I could eat the same thing for days and not grow tired of it. Now #5 I did do for over a year. I used my PALM to write down all the money I saved with my coupons and those BOGO (buy-one-get-one) Free promos and I learned a ton about when to buy what, how to stockpile and what is a good price for Meat or Laundry detergent.

Last year I came upon a few sites ( Ali Edwards and Christine Kane )that talked about choosing a WORD for the year instead of the New Years Resolutions which I break or forget I even made.

So, I've made up my mind! I have my Word! I think it'll work in lots and lots of
ways as I create my life. Really you must go check out Christine's blog, she starts December with a whole list of words to get your creative juices flowing. Then each day this month she has a guest blogger talk about the word they chose for 2008! I find it so Fascinating, really!! See for yourself HERE

So, without further adu, My Word for 2009:

December 13, 2008

Gone Digital

I am so honored today! On Saturdays the Scrapgirls NEWSLETTER
selects weekly LO (Layout) winners! I couldn't believe my eyes! One of my LO's was featured in the newsletter. I posted this LAYOUT in early November and I sorta forgot about it! It was a super fun LO to do and surprisingly I didn't have to "overthink" it too much! Once I figured out how I wanted to show the hands. That's where the frame came in for the left hand. All the products are from Scrapgirls (even a FREEBIE was used). I think I get $5 to the Scrapgirls BOUTIQUE and with all the sales they have this will suit my needs just fine!

The journalling reads: I was never one to pull out my wallet and show people my kids latest School pictures. But all that's changed since I went DIGITAL........

By the way, I totally love my Sprint INSTINCT (it's Sprint's version of the iphone)! Love, Love, Love it! My DH even asked for one for Christmas. We set him up with his very own yahoo email and now he will actually respond to email....... (I think cuz he has an excuse of writing on the phone so it's ok for him to keep it brief).

December 9, 2008

Photo Contest

I am just "pleased as punch", "happy as a clam", "as happy as a dog with two tails", because I won a something! A couple of months ago Mark took me up flying for my birthday, we planned to go up the morning of the Bluegrass Balloon Race so we could see all the balloons. I brought my camera (Sony Alpha dSLR) and hoped I could get a few decent pictures to submit for the photo contest they were running. See my earlier blog entry Bluegrass Balloon Fest for the pics I submitted.

I just found out that I won! I won? Me? I didn’t win a new car, nor a Me-llion dollars (think Dr.Evil in Austin Powers). But Still I WON! I WON!!

Here is the LINK to the CONTEST GALLERY.

And this is what I won!!!