December 31, 2007

Old Movies

I have always loved this movie! I used to watch it
every time it came out as a little girl. But I never
finished it. This was on last night and I was
able to "stay up late" and watch the entire film.
It's silly, sad, funny, romantic, corny and just a great 'ole Love Story.

p.s. Has great footage too! That Austrian Alp mountain scene! OMG!

December 22, 2007

Making a list....

Well, this isn't Santa's list. It's my own....there is a really cool challenge/site. 101 things to do in 1001 days, you dan find it here. That's
2.75 years. So, if I start this on Jan 1, 2008 one-thousand-and-one days later is September 28, 2010. Yikes!

I'm in the process of doing this now, and I only have 65 items. It's a lot harder than I thought.
I'm going to leave a couple blank to fill in as the year goes by.
I'm so visual, I really need to be reminded of my list. I'll take whatever I can get.
And I think I'll be checking it at least twice, too! hahahaha

December 18, 2007

One week away!!!

These are some of my favorite ornaments and Christmas decorations. I wish I could take credit for all these pictures but I have a daughter who's got a great camera eye. She just grabs the
camera and off she goes. Thank God for digital!

I love, love, love Santa's and Snowmen (as you can tell). But
the tree is pretty overloaded. I have to slow down my ornament shopping.
I've always enjoyed buying the kids ornaments of their own and someday
it'll be fun for them to decorate their own tree with the ones they've gotten
over the years. Their grandmother is awesome at picking out the best
ornaments for them each year. She even got our dog an ornament to
commemorate the day she had an encounter with a skunk!!! We almost had

to vacate the house because of it!! For three weeks she still had "that smell".
I heard the scent can be carried in her eyes! Eeewww!

December 8, 2007

It's beginning to look a lot....

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here! And it
sure feels alot like it too! I've pulled out more sweaters and have
even worn my long tail hat. As a matter of fact, I wore my hat
out to take the two lower pictures at the local Light Display the
other night.

Snow would sure be nice to go along with all the Christmas displays.