November 29, 2007

That Christmas Spirit

I'm getting there! Started my Christmas shopping, made my list. But I'm sure
there will be edits to it as the weeks go by. Brad usually fills me in on something he "really wants" about a week before Christmas. You know, when I've already shopped for him and I'm running around tying up loose ends. Getting those last minute "oh I forgot" items. The kids are at least getting into better stuff, it's not so junky like it used to be. Some of the toys they wanted were made so cheaply.
Yep, probably made in China too!

I'd like to go back to the park I took these pictures of above in the evening and take these same shots at night. I wonder how much I'll have to fuss with the
settings to get the pictures "just right". Still learning and playing with my DSLR. I love, love, love it!

November 16, 2007

A life in Pictures

This was my March-April project this year. Since my oldest was graduating from high school, I wanted to do something "out of the ordinary" for a graduation present for him.

I heard about a really cool program on called AndreaMosaic. You can download the program for free. The program will prompt you to create a "Library" of your digital photos. You'll need at least a couple hundred depending on the desired size of your finished product. You can adjust how often you want a picture repeated, the amount of tiles between the same picture and the amount your willing to let the program "distort" the original image. By distortion it may put a tint on a few photos to enhance the "back-up" view of the finished picture or it will crop the image or even rotate the image. (This will not distort your image on your hard drive only the "copied" image in the mosaic library)

You'll want to play around with the settings to see what you like. But remember once it does it's work, and you like the finished product you'll want to save it because it won't pull in the exact same tiles in the exact same way again. Very random!

Very fun and intriguing program for those that like a challenge and like to tinker
with things. There is a messageboard on this site that will answer a few questions to help you get started.

Here's the link to the webpage.


November 13, 2007

Color Grid

I have seen this type of color/photo grid at other sites and I thought it
was so cool. I created this myself using all of my own pictures and
Photoshop Elements 4.0. This was super fun to make. Most of these pictures were taken at an area nursery. The two pictures of the tree with the blue sky are of my tree in the backyard. Both are of the same tree taken just one day apart. Amazing color change :)